Take good care of
Proper maintenance keeps the machines always in excellent condition and in an efficient state of operation, their performance at the highest levels ... and satisfied customers.
One of our strong points has always been the extremely limited and easy maintenance that our machines need.
So a few, fast and economical activities, but fundamental to extend the useful life of the machine, to avoid long and expensive machine stops and to keep the processing quality on top.
The constant use of products, which are recommended and approved by the manufacturer, brings some important benefits to the final user:
_the certainty of their quality;
_the assurance of a perfect interchangeability as well as guarantees of functionality and durability;
_the maintenance of the machines in a perfect state, extending this way their lifetime and reducing the technical assistance costs;
_the reduction or the elimination of any possible controversy during the warranty period.
technical assistance
and spare parts
Sure to be able to guarantee
a valid support for every need
Exporting a high percentage of products all over the world,
we are also able to guarantee a serious and competent
network of technicians affiliated to our main office.
The quick replacement of a part or a tool, when the production cannot be stopped, is fundamental. For this reason in our company we have a more than 1000 m2 storehouse for the
most commonly ordered spare parts.
maintenance plans
Every machine needs a periodical check
to be able to guarantee and maintain
over time high quality standards
Our maintenance contracts’ proposal will
include only and exclusively the interventions
which are really necessary to keep your
machine in a good condition, and it will
offer you clear and defined prices: no surprises.
In addition you will have original Lattuada
spare parts at a favorable price and the
expertise and professionalism of
specialized technicians. Don’t worry about the
deadlines: we will remind you when
the ‘check-up time’ is coming!
Pulleys and arms
Realized by following our internal drawings and specifically designed to guarantee a correct movement transmission to the inlet and outlet conveyors’ belts and therefore a smooth and precise sliding during the glass loading and unloading phases. Fundamental to maintain the belts in an excellent condition and so to extend their useful life.
Conveyors belts
‘Ad hoc’ conceived for their application: the design and the special internal coating have been studied in order to obtain an excellent sliding and an extreme precision of movement. Available in different versions to guarantee an optimal solution for each glass thickness. The proposal is well differentiated to ensure the best sliding both of small pieces and of jumbo sheets with great thicknesses, also when not precisely cut!
Wheel and plates
Suitable for any type of working: from the monolithic to the stratified glass with any type of interlayer (PVB, EVA, resins, etc.). Thanks to the internally designed special clasping system, the wheels replacement results to be very simple and fast: 60 seconds per wheel!
Water leak prevention
Completely designed and customized by our technical office to adapt at the best to all our models. Their replacement is very simple, fast and low cost. Essential to protect the most delicate components, such as the sensors, and to keep the machine clean, avoiding the leak of water and residual processing substances from its internal part. A clean machine also means a clean working place and therefore a higher safety for the operators.
Sensors and automation
We have always collaborated with the leading companies in the sensors and automation field for the supply of this type of components, which are essential for a precise working of the machine and to avoid undesired machine stops. To work with the glass means to work with water and for this reason all the sensors fitted on our machines have a high water protection degree: from IP55 to IP67 depending on their position.
Steel bands
They represent the peculiarity of our system for the glass sheets transport. Fitted on the pads sliding guides, they can be easily and cheaply replaced, offering this way an excellent quality/price rate: the only and simple replacement of the steel bands allows the refurbishment of an entire conveyor. Thanks to the steel bands it is possible to redouble the conveyors life. Actually it is not by chance if there are Lattuada edging machines which have processed over 2,000,000 metres!
The compressed air system is important to guarantee a smooth and precise spindles movement and for this reason it is necessary to keep it perfectly working. Our choice for the pneumatics has been directed to the best products, which can offer the highest accuracy and reliability over the time. An equipment in excellent condition allows to obtain a precise adjustment of the polishing wheels pressure and therefore a lower consumption of the wheels and of the compressed air itself, reducing the management costs.
The lubrication is essential for the correct machine’s working and it is fundamental to exclusively use the products recommended by us. Only these greases and oils are able to guarantee the best performances, allowing the machine to work in optimal conditions. The guides lubrication is completely automatic, thanks to a pneumatic pump and special dosing valves. The greasing operations are very simple to be carried out, through the practical lubricators (all located in accessible points) and the use of a cartridge. The cooling oil is highly recommended to keep the water temperature low in order to protect the machine’s mechanical parts and to obtain a better cut of the wheels for a higher final quality. We would like to remind that the use of products which are not in conformity or equivalent to the recommended ones may invalidate the warranty.
Spindles transmission
All our machines are equipped with the same spindles: guarantee of toughness, reliability and saving on maintenance and spare parts. The spindles represent the ‘heart’ of our models’ mechanics and they represent one of the most important detail that differentiates us from our competitors. The system we have studied for the motion transmission to the spindles is different and unique. No motorspindles, but spindles to which the motion is transmitted by pulleys and toothed belts connected to the motors. The advantages are many: less consumption of the spindles rubbers thanks to the fact that they do not move, less vibrations, a simple and more precise pressures adjustment.
Together with our machines we provide the classic instructions manual plus a brief document, nicely called 'Happy Customer', which has been conceived as an additional instrument to help the operators who will use the machine. A few plastic-coated pages to be kept always on the machine with the essential following indications: a chart for the flat edge and miters processing, working limits and constraints, wheels adjustment instructions, a list of the tools mounted on the machine and a check-list of the main maintenance activities to be performed. Here-after an example of this check-list for a typical Lattuada edging machine...very simple, isn’t it?
Every day (8 hours)
Checking of the water level in the tanks.
Checking of the wheels cooling water flow.
Checking of the wheels wear.
Once a week (50 hours)
Diamond wheels adjustment.
Checking of the oil and the pressure level of the automatic pump for the guides and the mitering section movement group lubrication.
Tanks cleaning and water changing.
Wheels compartments, base and painted parts cleaning.
Once a month (200 hours)
Greasing of the spindles, the mitering section movement group and the mobile conveyor screw-jacks.
Checking of the fixed and mobile conveyors (pads and chains) tightening and lubrication.
Cleaning of the conveyor rubber pads.
Checking of the cardan joint lubrication.
Ounce in 6 moths (1000 hours)
Greasing of the spindles, the mitering section movement group and the mobile conveyor screw-jacks.
Checking of the fixed and mobile conveyors (pads and chains) tightening and lubrication.
Cleaning of the conveyor rubber pads.
Checking of the cardan joint lubrication.