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    Wheel Configuration


    mola al cerio a tazza


    mola lucidante a tazza


    mola lucidante a tazza


    mola lucidante filetto


    mola diamantata filetto


    mola lucidante filetto


    mola diamantata filetto


    mola lucidante a tazza


    mola diamantata a tazza


    mola diamantata a tazza

    Technical data


    0,3 - 5 m/min

    12 - 197 "/min

    Minimum workable Size

    H60 mm opt. H35 mm

    H2.4 " opt. 1.4 "

    Maximum workable size



    Workable Glass Thickness

    3 - 30 mm opt. 3 - 35 mm

    1/8 - 1.2 " opt. 1/8 - 1.4 "

    Installed Power

    20 kw

    20 kw


    7.920x1.600 xH3.120 mm

    311x62.2 xH122.8 "

    Max Glass Load (on the conveyor)

    800 Kg - 250 Kg/m

    1,763 lbs - 14 lbs/”

    Peso Caricabile Totale

    1.600 Kg

    3,527 lbs

    Everything you need to know about TL series

    How flexible and modular are they?

    - Possibility to integrate the OT 300 washing machine model

    - Regolazione frontale filetti posteriori

    - Gruppo spigolatore

    Which are the processing control tools?

    - Motor current absorption ammeter

    - Removal adjustment on the inlet conveyor

    - Machine’s data and maintenance panel, greater and with more functions

    Which components of the machine allow achieving high performance?

    - Conveyor without bearing, consisting of pads made of special material, fixed on a double precision chain

    - Mechanical system for adjusting the opening of the conveyor

    - Variation of the conveyor speed by means of the inverter

    - Automatic lubrication of all rotating parts

    - Frizione pneumatica braccio entrata e uscita

    - Tasselli più lunghi per una migliore tenuta del vetro

    - Oil system with end of line pressure switch

    How can I achieve higher quality?

    - Liquid cerium oxide for greater processing quality

    - Lattuada spindles: a unique solution that guarantees low vibrations, robustness and limits maintenance for supreme quality

    - Possibility to mount a resin wheel spindle
